Reading’s Residential Development Land Market Continues to Gather Pace!

11 / 09 / 2014

Reading’s Residential Development Land Market Continues to Gather Pace!

Haslams has recently negotiated and completed the sale of three major development sites in Reading:

  • A “brown field” development site on Upper Redlands Road, Reading with planning permission for 34 houses.
  • A “green field” development site on Cutbush Lane, Shinfield with planning permission for 126 houses and flats.
  • A “brown field” development site on Brookers Hill, Shinfield with planning permission for 126 houses and flats.

All sites were sold to national house builders.

Haslams’ Partner Chris Newman said “These transactions demonstrate the buoyancy of Reading’s residential development land market which is underpinned by the continued strong demand for new homes. We envisage that these completed transactions will be followed by numerous other residential development site sales which are in our pipeline for completion later this year.”

Senior Partner Steven Smith added “Haslams is the leading development land valuer and agent in Reading and the Thames Valley and these transactions have helped us to cement our position within this specialist market place. We would be pleased to advise any other land owners who are considering the disposal of a property with potential for development.”

The Illustration above shows the proposed development at Cutbush Lane, Shinfield – Sold by Haslams.

Chris Newman

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Chris Newman

BSc (Hons) MRICS